Κομμάτια από την χθεσινή συνέντευξη τύπου της
ισχυρής γυναίκας των Δημοκρατικών, κας Νάνσυ Πελόσι, Πρόεδρο της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων.
Ξεδίπλωσε όλο το πρόγραμμα των Δημοκρατικών.
Στέκομαι σ'αυτήν καθώς ήταν ο πρώτος πολιορκητικός κριός απέναντι στο στρατόπεδο Μπους, πολύ πριν την εμφάνιση του Ομπάμα.
Last night was a great night. The American people spoke out loudly and clearly that they wanted a new direction for America.
...our increased numbers in the House better enable us to work closely with our new president for a vision for America and a plan to succeed, again, as we unify the American people.
And as I pledged last night, I do again, that we will do so in a strong bipartisan way with civility in our debate and
fiscal responsibility in our budgeting.
The economy, of course,
is the top item on the agenda as we go forward.
But even before then, we have a
stimulus package on the table ...
.... by
creating jobs, to do it in a newer,
greener way, to
recognize the unemployment situation in our country by
extending unemployment insurance, to understand that
people are hungry in America and provide additional
emergency food assistance, and to give help to the states for their
health needs for seniors and children and other needs that they have.
Essential to the job creation issue is the -- a strong piece for
rebuilding the infrastructure of America; again,
in a way that reduces our dependence on foreign oil, creates good green jobs in America.
The agenda as we go forward, as you know, has always been about, again, growing our economy,
expanding access to health care,
improving the quality of education for all Americans, ending our dependence on foreign oil and
bringing an end to the war in Iraq. ...
We have passed a stimulus package; we passed it on September 26th. It’s $61 billion. It has those four features: infrastructure, aid to the states for Medicaid, extension of unemployment insurance, and emergency food assistance, $61 billion.
....issues that relate to
children’s health, the children’s health -- SCHIP program -- the children’s state and
children’s health insurance programWell, that
could be something we could bring up as a discrete piece of the health of the American people.Another piece could be the stem cell research legislation to
increase research and embryonic stem cell research. And that -- and that could be a discrete piece of the health issue.
...One of the main reasons I believe, watching it from this side, sending over and over again -- maybe five or six times --
the end to the war in Iraq, a time frame for the withdrawal of our troops out of Iraq, and any number off issues that we have sent over there -- stimulus package, unemployment insurance extension, you name it -- and to see it hit that obstacle.
I was a student when John F. Kennedy became president. It was very exciting. And we thought, again, it was the most important election ever, in history. And it probably was at the time.
But at this time, with the state of our economy, with us engaged in two wars, with the desperate need of the American people for access to quality health care -- that being a health issue and an economic issue -- with our dependence on foreign oil that must be stopped -- with all of these big challenges, we have to do what government is supposed to do.
comprehensive immigration reform that protected our borders, enforced our laws, unified families, created a path to legalization
The -- here’s the thing.
The country must be governed from the middle.
A country must be governed from the middle. The point is,
you have to bring people together to reach consensus on solutions that are sustainable and acceptable to the American people.
What is interesting about the last couple of years, in my view, is that when we saw from the center, we’ll talk about what we did in bipartisan way
to raise the minimum wage -- first time in 10 years; to
make college more affordable. The biggest package for college affordability in the -- since the 1944 G.I. Bill was passed.
Honor the service of our veterans; the biggest package in the 77-year history of the Veterans Administration. End our dependence on foreign oil; first
CAFE standard bill in 32 -- 32 years.
There certainly are excellent ideas about how to go forward on the right, in middle and on the left. And wherever those solutions are, we should incorporate them.
But, again, all of these
big issues need bipartisan discussion. Bipartisanship at the table in terms of the solutions that are offered.
I don’t include among them, though, for example
initiatives to destroy Social Security, unravel Medicare. In other words, are you committed to this -- the principle of Social Security and Medicare and the rest now?
Let’s see how we can learn from a bipartisan way to strength them.
The American people have desperate needs. They’re
fundamental: jobs, health care, education. They’re fundamental. And, of course, the country wants to end the war. And we no longer can afford the dependence on foreign oil. Excuse me.
At a time of this economic crisis, our priorities should be very clear about what we need to do. Each side of the spectrum can hope to influence the decision, but the fact is, is that a new president coming in, in my view, must take the country down the middle, solve the problems, to gain the confidence to take us more strongly in a new direction.
ολόκληρη η συνέντευξη
εδώΤα παραπάνω ας ελπίσουμε ότι θα είναι
η Νέα Ατζέντα που θα ξεδιπλωθεί παγκοσμίως, ύστερα από τρεις δεκαετίες όπου η κυρίαρχη ιδεολογία ήταν "η αγορά μπορεί να αποφασίσει (σοφά) για τα πάντα", και θα φτάσει παντού.
Οι Δημοκρατικοί έχουν μπροστά τους δύο (2) ολόκληρα χρόνια να βάλουν σε τάξη τη κατάσταση, ενώ οι πιθανότητες είναι μαζί τους και μέχρι το 2012.
Τέλος, από μια
μικρή έρευνα που έκανα για τη Νάνσυ Πελόσι κατάλαβα ότι όλα αυτά που είπε προχθές αποτελούν την δική της ιδεολογία για την οποία έχει υποστεί δριμύτατες κριτικές από τους αντιπάλους της.